The ATV-2 Johannes Kepler Looks Like A Real Life X-Wing.

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Through the sheer will of our Collective Unconscious, we have willed Star Wars into exist. Orbiting the perimeter of our dimension is clearly a feet of X-Wings, waiting to strike us bastards. Or, when the meds don’t work, the Angels in basement sing such things to me. In reality, this is a picture of the  ATV-2 Johannes Kepler, which just happens to look like my favorite unit of space-combat destruction.

Universe Today:

Astronaut Ron Garan posted the image on his Twitpic page, asking viewers if they thought the spacecraft looked like the fictional fighter jets of the Alliance.

The ATV-2 left the ISS and entered Earth’s atmosphere on June 21. The spacecraft had a “blackbox” on board, a Re-Entry Breakup Recorder (REBR) to monitor temperature, acceleration, rotation rate, and other data as it tumbled and disintegrated through the atmosphere. The data was sent down via a “phone call” to an Iridium satellite to help scientists better understand the physics of what happens to a spacecraft when it breaks up on re-entry.
