Weekend Open Bar: It’s Always Sunny On Space-Ship Omega


It’s the Weekend Open Bar.

Here on the Space-Ship Omega.

Round and round and round the Sun we go. Harboring ill memories, favorable moments, abject disproofs of karma, and transformative moments of kindness. In the grand scheme of things, we, the Sun, these burps and blips don’t matter one lick. In the grand scheme of things, these random scatterings of electrical impulses, of poor choices, of wise decisions, of moments of passion and anger, they’re all we fucking got.

So gather ye star dust while ye may. Old Time is still a-flying. And this same nebula that births a star. Tomorrow will be dying.

It’s the end of another year, fought and wrought and compromised and championed. I would like nothing more than for you citizens of the Space-Ship Omega to spend some of it with me celebrating our failures and fantastical successes together.

Here on the Space-Ship Omega.

It’s the Weekend Open Bar.