Rumor: ORIGINAL unf**ked ‘STAR WARS’ TRILOGY coming to Blu-Ray.

Star Wars Blooper Reel

Shout out to our own community member Seth for drawing this to my attention. It couldn’t be. It can’t be. I’d cry too hard. It makes too much sense. But yes! The original, unfucked, pristine Star Wars trilogy may be sauntering onto Blu-Ray? Don’t fuck around with me, Rumor Bros!

Is the unrevised version of The Holy Trilogy finally coming home in high-definition?

Geek news-site Bleeding Cool is claiming to have “intercepted” an internal email from Disney marketing that claims the new owners of Star Wars are planning to answer one of fandom’s most prominent prayers: Releasing remastered Blu-ray versions of the Original Trilogy as they were originally produced – without any of the alterations or updates made by George Lucas for the Special Editions.

While Lucas remained adamant from the beginning that he had no intention of making the original versions of the films available ever again, he’s no longer the one who gets to make that decision: When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they also bought total control over the entirety of its intellectual property; and the eventuality of seeing The Trilogy in proper form again was one of the first new possibilities fans began speculating on when the Disney deal was announced last year. [The Escapist]