Michael Bay’s ‘NINJA TURTLES’ script leaks. It is the diarrhea soup we expected.

Oh huzzah! We can all relax now in our correctness. Us smug internet folk, who quietly knew that if Michael Bay were churning out a Ninja Turtles movie, it would be a unparalleled pile of shit.

I Heart Chaos:

Even Peter Laird, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, commented on the script:

Someone else alerted me to the existence of this script, and I just a few minutes ago finished reading it. If it is, in fact, the actual draft that was rejected and caused the production of the next TMNT movie to be pushed back to 2014 because the script was unsatisfactory, then I think all true TMNT fans should be grateful to the new “powers that be” that they did not allow this wretched thing to go any further. It could definitely be taken as a good sign if that is the case.

It reminds me of one of the reasons I am glad to not own the property anymore… because I don’t have to tear what little hair I have left out while trying to fix junk like this. — PL