Comics We’re Snagging This Week: Get That Broadsword Out Of My Secret Orifice

As I type this, it’s Tuesday evening. I’m on campus in the middle of another seven hour school night. Fuck, man! When you read this, such time will have passed. The groans of labor receded. It will be the most special day of the week. No, no, no. Not colonic and sugar cone Saturday evening. Though that day is a close second. It will be Wednesday, heralding the arrival of new funny books.

This is the jam where we all share the comics we’re digging this week. If you don’t know what’s dropping, hit up ComicList. Share your list, who knows what could happen. My colonic buddy is going away this weekend and if you’re comically compatible consider this your entrance exam.


Secret #1
You didn’t really think I was going to skimp on pumping up the tires of Jonathan Hickman, did you? I’m not certain what Secret is about. The title description is all shades of vague — one could even say secretive! — and I’m not interesting in digging further than a brief preview CBR dropped. Said preview also has artist Ryan Bodenheim displaying some of the ill-ballin’-time penciling chops. If this is the shape of things to come for Hickman (along with Manhattan Projects) as he cycles off his House of (Stagnant) Ideas titles, sign me up.

(Also dropping this week out of Hickman’s skull and into my collection is Fantastic Four #605)


Northlanders #50 & Conan the Barbarian #3
Seems like I’m doubling up on the creator tip this week. Brian Wood bits farewell to Northlanders with the title’s fiftieth issue, pausing only temporarily before churning out more swords-and-doom glory under the guise of Conan. It’s a weird moment for me, as Wood continues to shed the titles that drew me into his orbit many moons ago. The times are a changing. So long, DMZ. So long, Northlanders. There’s a bitter sweet edge to the latter concluding, since it is Death My Way of Sales, which is always a tragic way for a favorite title to be canned.


Saga #2
Jesus Christ. I’m not worthy to receive a new installment of Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples’ science-fiction wunderpiece so soon, but I’m not turning it away at the door. The premiere issue was filled to the gills with so many different artifacts of awesomeness that my goddamn skull rattled off my spine and kicked about the apartment floor. Doggy style-fucking robots? Check. Whimsical banter? Check. Heartwarming displays of affection? Check. Delicious universe building? Check.

It sucked me into a universe completely in the same of one issue. If you missed the debut, double back around and grab a copy. This is something special.


Other Titles Of Flight & Fancy:
It’s that time of the comic cycle where I point out that an issue of Unwritten (#36) drops this week, and those who are cultured and washed will be buying, while I pull my pud and breath heavily on myself. I’m still waiting for my LCS to snag me the first issue (they assure me they’re on it), but Saucer Country #2  is arriving, as is the fourth issue of Winter Soldier. Brubaker and Guice are cutting a hell of a fucking yarn in that title, and I’d recommend you buy it if only to see the spectacle that Butch Guice and the rest of the artistic team is putting on. Goddamn gorgeous.


What are you buying this week?