Variant Covers: SHIELD Rob Liefield From The Punisher!

This is a big old piggy of a week here in Variant Covers. The comic books column that serves as a soap-box for spouting off on what me and you are interested in the world of funny books this week. There’s a good amount of sequential art tickling the old taint this week, so let’s have at it.

Don’t forget to show me yours.


Hero Comics 2011
The Hero Initiative is a foundation set up to help out comic book veterans. They provide assistance in the case of emergencies, medical situations, and the such. In other words, they’re a worthy cause. Every year they put out a funny book stacked to the brim with creative talent in a measure to get your contribution.

This year you’re looking at a reunion of the original Sandman team of   Gaiman, Kieth, and Dringenberg. As well you can snag work from John Layman of Chew, and others.

If you’re going to spend funny money on sequential artwork this week, this would be a valiant place to begin.


S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
This comic book comes out far too infrequently for my tastes. The last issue which serves as the first of a second volume saw Michelangelo getting all Dr. Manhattan on our asses. He exists within a spectrum of time, a silent God who can only help engineer the curse for the forthcoming disaster. Hickman continues his Hegelian love fest, exploring the forthcoming synthesis of both Da Vinci’s and Newton’s philosophies. Did I mention Dustin Weaver’s artwork is fucking gorgeous?

Do want.


Sweet Tooth #24
One of my favorite comics has snagged itself on a lull with the current Endangered Species storyline. While I understand the necessity for dangling the possible salvation via the sanctuary the characters have stumbled across, I’m ready. Ready to continue. Continue the journey. I remember feelin’ the same way when Custer spent a good amount of time in his hometown in Preacher. I understand it. Now let’s boogey.


The Infinite #1
I don’t know why I always fucking cover the releases that Rob Liefeld are involved with. I don’t buy them. Maybe I should snag Infinite #1 and go through a review of it just because. This week the Robert Kirkman/Rob Liefeld title is dropping and the premise of worthy of every awful 1990s action movie that probably gave Liefeld a furious phallus back in the day. A dude named Bowmen has to go back in time to save the world! Only he has to pair himself up with his young self! Holy fucking shiiiiiiiiiiiiit! It’s like Time Cop with hooves! The coarse older self is totally going to be invigorated after a begrudging while by the idealistic younger self. Mark me!   To infinity and beyond with that shit!


Severed #1
Not really certain what this comic is about, but I want to give it a chance. The reason why? Scott Snyder is associated with it. Snyder and Scott Tuft are penning the tale which is being drawn by Attila Futaki.   Cop the premise, ” 1916. A man haunts the roads; a man with sharp teeth and a hunger for flesh. When 12-year-old Jack Garron runs away from home, he’ll see how quickly the American Dream becomes a nightmare.”

Worth a shot in my eyes.


Ultimate Fallout #4
Even though USA Today has already ruined the surprised over who the next Ultimate Spider-Man will be, I’m considering snagging this issue tomorrow. Without going into too much detail because I don’t want to drop Spoiler Bombs across your Caverns, they’re taking a ballsy (though some could probably call it the complete opposite of ballsy) move with the identity of the next Spidey. I’ve said too much! It’s Aunt May. Double psyche-out. It’s Gwen Stacy.


Also, In Addition To:
We have the first issue of the Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto run on Punisher, to which I say fuck yes! Scalped #51 is dropping. It also continues to be the title that I most want to begin ingesting into my brain stem. Finally there’s the Oni published graphic novel, Petrograd. A plot to assassainate Rasputin! Robot 6 has a great take on it.

What’re you interested in this week?