The Moon Goes Rainbow In Sexy Surface Study.

You may think that the Moon is some boring ass rock lingering above us. Threatening to smash us down like innocent whelps as though we were living in Majora’s Mask. You’d be wrong! There’s a lot of shenanigans populating the Moon’s surface. This colorized NASA image shows the differences in surface composition.

Boing Boing:

Bright pinkish areas are highlands materials, such as those surrounding the oval lava-filled Crisium impact basin toward the bottom of the picture. Blue to orange shades indicate volcanic lava flows. To the left of Crisium, the dark blue Mare Tranquillitatis is richer in titanium than the green and orange maria above it. Thin mineral-rich soils associated with relatively recent impacts are represented by light blue colors; the youngest craters have prominent blue rays extending from them.

Lava flows? Very cool.