‘Katamari’ creator’s next game ‘Wattam’ drops this December. Dude does his own thing and I fucking love it.

katamari creator wattam december

I feel the same way about Katamari creator Keita Takahashi as I do about Hideo Kojima. I’m probably not going to play what they’re offering, but I respect their fucking vision. Especially with this shit Wattam. A profoundly fucking odd title. Again.


You won’t have to wait too much longer for a new game from Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi. His weird but adorable Wattam is now slated to arrive on PS4 sometime in December 2019. To recap, it’s all about a mayor who wants to reconnect with friends through increasingly oddball activities, like making eyelid characters cry using an onion — yes it’s definitely a Takahashi game. It’s meant to be the polar opposite of the violent, conflict-driven titles you normally see, and it might be worth a look if you want a break from the angst of the modern world.