Weekend Open Bar: The Jingoism Jingle Jangle!

the jingoism jingle jangle

I’m a sucker for the Fourth of July. Or at the very least, the notion of it. As someone who is both a recluse *and* has to fucking work on the 3rd and the 5th, I imagine I won’t be doing much literal celebrating. But, the holiday gets to me.

Maybe it’s the programming from growing up a KidBot during the end of the Cold War and into the Myth of a New Golden age, but I have to admit — there’s a twinge of excitement at the idea of Seared Flesh and American Flags.

It’s the sort of deep-seated, inextricable programming that pops up from time to time, attempt to defy it as I may. The same programming that has me unconsciously doing the Sign of the Cross during a Catholic wedding or some shit. Which, has happened, and as it happened I looked appalled at my own gestures like I had a fucking Ghost Hand.

So here I sit, melancholic for the old days when I Believe In Things, and Celebrated Stuff. So here I sit, melancholic for the days when folks used to come around these parts, and spend the Weekend Open Bar with me.

I hope a couple of you are out there, willing to shoot the shit with me. Join in some camaraderie built around the passage of time, a mutual love for over-consumption and pop culture, and a desire to spend time with fellow weirdos and eccentrics chatting about the aforementioned loves.

This is Weekend Open Bar.

What are you up to this weekend?