Weekend Open Bar: The Sun Sets On Forever

hawaii | sachiko

The summer drags on, man.

As I predicted a bit ago, I knew I was going to find myself melancholic as I found myself stranded in the liminal state between Summer Teaching and Fall Teaching. At first it was great. Sleeping in late. No lesson planning. Rocking shorts every day! Shorts, every day! Then the tedium set in.

My wife went away today, she’s going to be away, for something like thirteen out of sixteen days. At first it was great. I’ve jacked off fourteen times, walked the dog twice, crushed nineteen Diet Dew, and marveled at what freedom I have. Then the tedium set in.

The summer drags on, man.

What can I do? Oh, many things. Eat my feelings (pizza is in route), masturbate again, this time with great ennui (will happen after I post this), idly stare at the local SportMatch on the TeleVisor (the blue sheet of IdiotBox glow is currently illuminating my face). Oh, many things, can I do.

But! I can also kick open the doors on the Weekend Open Bar! I can call upon you to keep me company as I masturbate my malaise away (or die trying). I can call upon you to keep me company as I eat what is going to be a Mega Chicken Finger pizza (and perhaps live post the diarrhea fallout). I can call upon you to keep me company as I vaguely stare at SportMatch (while browsing Tumblr for more porn to spank it to).

But enough about me.

What are you up to this Weekend?