Monday Morning Commute: how to slowly .exe yourselves and others in 20XX


Monday Morning Commute! On a Monday Evening! Better than a Tuesday Afternoon, not as good as a legitimate Monday Morning! Feelin’ pretty good, man. Classes are finally over, man. Doing a bit of tutoring, but hey. Can’t complain about that. Making money. Still having to drive into Boston during quasi-rush hour, but hey. Can’t complain about that. I’m getting to sleep until 9:00, which is a fucking blessing from the Elder Ones.

This is the weekly column where I bloviate about the various banality that is serving to barrage the Ennui nipping at my soul. This is the weekly column where I enumerate the errant bullshit I’m going to engage in to keep my life humming along. I hope, I pray, I supplicate you to come share what you’re digging this week, in the comments section.



Always Sunny’s fourth season is its best. All time great season of comedy.



Extreme Rules is this weekend! Hope to be home in time. ‘Cause.


Having To Go:

To Central New York with my wife for a memorial for her passed grandfather. I’m going to be selfish, and ask for your prayers that I survive this gauntlet of Familial Bullshit.


Want To Buy:

DOOM! People have called it the “Fury Road of FPSs”, which means I have to fucking play it. But I can’t yet, because…


Currently Playing:

Uncharted 4. I don’t want the series to end, so I think I’m probably dragging my feet on playing it a bit.



How To Slowly Kill Yourself and Others In America by Kiese Laymon. Heavy shit. Insightful shit. Heartbreaking shit.


Intending To Read:

Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Collection of essays by the current author of Black Panther, which reminds me.


Totally Going To:

Buy new comics this week. Revive the weekly comics column. Fumble around a comic book store,  Recommend some shit. Beg you all for actual recommendations. Attempt to rally. Fail. Eat Cheetos. Hate myself. Maybe not eat Cheetos though cause like.


Trying To Drop Some Weight:

Man, if you’re struggling with your weight, I’m with you. Stood on the scale last night, walked around the house the rest of the night dejectedly. And this was *after* two goddamn weeks of eating well during the week nights, and returning to the gym. Like, how much did I fucking weigh at the beginning of May? Never mind. Don’t tell me.


Want To See:

Nice Guys! But as I said, I’m going to be in goddamn Central New York. Maybe early next week? See it, friends. See it for me.


That does it for me, folks. Trips to the Comic Book Store, Central New York, and the Weigh-In Station. Reading essays, playing video games. Generally enjoying life.