Weekend Open Bar: I’m Just Here For The Ride, Man

here for the ride

I’m anything but an Alpha Male. In fact, SAM-OMEGA is definitely the Matriarch of our officially unified relationship. An Alpha Female, who is willing to punch down doors, and vaporize the Walls of Impossibility to get what she wants for her family and herself. This is perfectly okay to me. Every Batman (her) needs their trusty Robin (this dickhead). And so I’m looking forward to wasting the weekend away with her before she departs on Sunday for Alpha Female Business Trip #Something of the year. What are you up to the next couple of days? This is Weekend Open Bar, the weekly post where we share what we’re up to on our (hopeful) Siesta from the Grind.

But you don’t have to have Saturday and Sunday off to partake in the conversation at the Watering Hole. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Share! Share what you plan on eating. Share GIFs of absurdity, or perhaps inappropriateness. Share your anxiety over or anticipation of Sunday’s True Detective premiere.