The Sega Genesis is 25 years-old today. My life is being blast-processed.


Good god, where is the time going? The Sega Genesis turned 25 years-old today, and its birthday reminds me of my favorite console war. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all. But there was something about the BLAST-PROCESSING POWERED XTREME SONIC versus the old, dumpy, but proven Super Mario Bruh.

I mean truthfully I owned them both, but there was a fucking energy in the air. Serious fucking smack talk in the school yard. Oh you own the Super Nintendo version of Mortal Kombat? LOL. Like a year later…Oh you own the Sega Genesis version of Mortal Kombat II? LOL.

The good old days.

What about you fools? Did you own a Genesis? If so — what titles did you ride and die with? Let’s reminisce.

Here’s some of mine:

…and so on.