Saoirse Ronan.

As I’ve already stated, Saoirse Ronan kicks fucking ass. She holds it the fuck down in Hanna. Which if you haven’t seen, correct that shit immediately. So when word drops that she auditioned for Episode VII, and it involved a lightsaber?

Fugg yeah.

Saoirse Ronan expanded on her “Star Wars VII” audition to Empire Online. The most salient, but kind of confusing bit?

“…But nobody has a clue what it’s about, and nobody’s read the script. So I’ve gone in and read for it, but I have to say, I think it’s the only time I’ve ever thought, ‘You know what? Even if I don’t get it, I had so much fun auditioning, pretending to take out a lightsaber — out of a bag, kind of inspect it and not know what it is. That was… that was great. A lightsaber! Star Wars!”

What exactly does Ronan mean by this? Was she miming taking a lightsaber out of a bag? Was she auditioning to be a Jedi building a lightsaber, or perhaps this takes place in a post-Jedi Galaxy, where they don’t know what lightsabers are?

Regardless, we want every interview about Star Wars to end with the actor involved shouting, “Star Wars!” from now on.

[MTV Movies Blog]