RUSSIAN BEARS are addicted to HUFFING JET FUEL. It just got real.

Taking fat rips.

I can’t blame Russian bears for resorting to huffing jet fuel. It isn’t spoken of much, but historians agree that they took the dissolution of the USSR the worst. Not only did they agree with Marx-Engels ideals of Communism, but they also trudged on fighting in favor of the its contorted interpretation by the Russian Nationalists despite their reservations.


In a display of blatant disregard for Nancy Reagan and her pleas to the contrary, Russia’s bears, no longer able to resist the sweet temptation of gasoline, have found themselves suffering from a good, ol’ fashioned jet fuel addiction.

More specifically, it’s the bears living on the Kronotsky Nature Reserve that have taken to huffing jet fuel out of old barrels until they’re woozy enough to hit the ground. The adorable, 1,200 pound junkies will even go so far as to actively stalk helicopters for their fix, scavenging for and sucking up any excess fuel as it leaks onto the soil.

And this isn’t our large, furry friend’s first foray into the world of vice—Ukranian bears already have a reputation for going a little too heavy on the sauce. While an intervention is clearly in order, it might even help to stop leaving barrels full of discarded jet fuel lying around nature reserves. But we’re just tossing out ideas here.

So Russian bears, remember: you’re not bad bears. You’ve just made some bad decisions. Stay tough—don’t huff. [The Fix via Reddit]