Nintendo charging extra to change channels with the Wii U gamepad. Infinite lulz.

Hey man! The Nintendo Wii isn’t just a late entrance into the HD game. It isn’t just an extravagant joke of a controller. It can also be used to watch television. In a pretty rad twist of synergy, Nintendo lets you use their tablet-controller-thing to change the channels. For a cost! God knows they haven’t already sliced you for an excessive device already. Now you have to pay more to unlock all of its capabilities.

The fee isn’t a ridiculous sum, but the premise itself is absurd.


With Nintendo TVii, the Kyoto-based game maker is bringing streaming video to the GamePad. Starting on December 8 in Japan, gamers can watch the pictures as they fly through the air on the comfort of the Wii U GamePad. But if you want easy channel changing on your Nintendo TVii, you must barf up extra cash.
On December 8, Nintendo is also launching an addon for Nintendo TVii that gives Wii U owners the ability to switch channels via the GamePad. The Wii U GamePad can be used as a television remote control, but if you want to use that same function for Nintendo TVii, Nintendo is charging a ¥100 ($1.22) flat fee.