Perseid Meteor set against the Milky Way-filled sky. Space porn.

I wish I was rocking out in this particular portion of Germany. The night sky be all filled up with Perseid meteors, set up against a cuddly portion of the Milky Way. Ain’t it quite romantical? Just me and my cardboard cut-out of Jennifer Lawrence, gazing into the Universe. Her ignoring my hand on her bubub, ignoring the red wine I’m spilling all over myself. Peace. Tranquility.


Where will the next Perseid meteor appear? Sky enthusiasts who trekked outside for the Perseid meteor shower that peaked over the past few days typically had this question on their mind. Six meteors from this past weekend are visible in the above stacked image composite, including one brightfireball streaking along the band of the background Milky Way Galaxy. All Perseid meteors appear to come from the shower radiant in the constellation of PerseusEarly reports about this year’s Perseids indicate that as many as 100 meteors per hour were visible from some dark locations during the peak. Theabove digital mosaic was taken near WeikersheimGermany.