The Dude’s High 5s: Sketch Comedy Skits

Remember when sketch comedy was all the rage?  You don’t?  It wasn’t that long ago … ok, maybe it was the mid 90’s, but that’s what 15 years ago.  Fuck I’m old.  Well, today’s High 5 will be looking over some of my (and your) favorite skits from the various skit shows out there.

5. Classroom (Whitest Kids You Know)

This skit hearkens back to the simpler times when kids were all about candy and guessing which parent died in a car wreck.  It will always make me laugh.


4. Old Fashioned Guy (The State)

Whenever I say “Call me old fashioned but …” all I picture is Thomas Lennon whittling away and whistling.  To this day I still worship Orgo.


3. Sarcasm (Kids in the Hall)

There are so many great Kids in the Hall moments to choose from.  However I feel that this one pretty much sums up the attitude of the show for those unclean individuals that have never seen it.

2. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer (Saturday Night Live)

As a child of the 80’s, I grew up with a lot of weird shit on TV.  Alf, Small Wonder Growing Pains.  Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer was a brilliant take on the “wacky premise”.  It was complete with the contrived setup and the interesting sponsors.


1. President Herman (Mad TV)

For those of you that expected Celebrity Jeopardy as my number 1, I’m sorry to disappoint.  I love them, I do, but they became a crutch for a failing SNL run and became a bit watered down.  No, my number 1 comes from an unlikely source, Mad TV.  On the whole, I wasn’t a fan of Mad TV, however in its first season, it game us my favorite sketch of all time, President Herman.  Artie Lang sells the shit out of this as the no nonsense secret service agent explaining to a rarely sober President just how good he is at the job.



Normally I like to keep these to 5, but I can’t let this category pass without Mr. Show’s famous Blow Up The Moon.

So what do you folks like from the realm of skits and sketch comedy?