New ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Images Reminds Us The Flick Exists. Web On!

The Amazing Spider-Man is the movie I keep forgetting about this year. It could be great! It really could. It just keeps slipping my mind underneath an avalanche of Dark Knight Rises, Prometheus, Avengers, Django Unchained, Looper…and more. There’s some new images from the flick, as well as wordage from director Marc Webb regarding the flick.

Hit the jump to check it out.


In an interview with the Comic-Con annual magazing (via Latino Review) Webb started off talking about the ‘untold story’ angle that is becoming a big part of Sony’s marketing strategy:

It’s really important for us to be able to communicate that this isn’t a remake of Sam Raimi’s movie. There’s a new territory, there’s a new villain, it’s a different Peter Parker.

He elaborated on the tone of the film, which gets into more detail about what (hopefully) makes this a unique take on the character.

There’s this trickster quality we were very keen on exploring, with that humor and that fun and that wisecracking stuff. We wanted to keep that alive, but we wanted it to be realistic. We wanted that humor to come from a real place. My aim was to create a world where you could feel all those emotions. There are certainly darker, more intense feelings in this movie. There is betrayal, there is tragedy, but there’s also humor and romance. So it’s a very complex bouquet of emotions, but what you have to tread on is what feels authentic and what feels real, and you have to earn those different emotions. There are moments of furiousness and gravity, absolutely. But are there moments of humor and levity and whimsy? Absolutely. Andrew was really great. He used this term to describe Peter Parker in Spider-Man and Spider-Man in particular: he’s a trickster. He was like “How would Spider-Man web this guy? He’d give him a wedgie or he’d dos some awful graffiti.” There’s a punk rock quality to Peter Parker that’s really irreverent and fun and that’s something that Andrew embodies in a way that we haven’t seen before. Certainly the materials that have come out have a darker sentiment or there’s a darker projection, but we’re very keen on staying loyal to the humor of Spider-Man.