How Much Energy Would Death Star Need To Destroy Earth? Important Study.

I know what you’re thinking. Should the Multiverse ever crack open and a Death Star slither out through the chasm between time and space, there’s a good chance that Earth is fucked. But let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Just how much energy would Palpatine’s Death Machine need to obliterate our Blue Marble?

I Heart Chaos:

If you’ve been wondering all these years how much energy the first Death Star would require in its lasers to demolish a planet, the University of Leicester has  cpme to the conclusion that a hypermatter reactor with an output equal to that of “several main-sequence stars” would do the trick.

The result is dependent on the size of the planet, though. “To destroy a planet like Jupiter [the Death Star] would probably have to divert all remaining power from all essential systems and life support, which is not necessarily possible,” the researchers wrote.  

They also came to the disappointing conclusion that the Death Star couldn’t actually blow up a star, which means that calling battleships with much less powerful weapons “Star Destroyers” is a misnomer.

Read the full report here

Well Christ, thank goodness.