Preview: Wood Talks About ‘Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega”

Brian Wood is returning to Marvel and rocking the fuck out  on Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega. Which is close, so very close, to trumping Ultimate Comics Ultimates for the most amazingly cumbersome Marvel title. Ever. More cumbersome than one of my adverb riddled mindlessly spewed neverendingly vapid sentences. (See what I did there?)

Want a preview of this awesomeness? Of course you do.


Asked about teaming up with Marvel once again, Wood said, “I feel like so much time has passed, that I feel like it’s new all over again.” He added, “I really feel like I was ready to jump in with both feet into a superhero universe.” Wood also said he finds himself most drawn to the X-Men.

“Alpha and Omega” is about how Quentin Quire, aka Kid Omega, sees himself, particularly in relation to the new school. He immediately picks a fight with Logan, but “it’s not the sort of fight you’re used to seeing in a superhero book” and would very much see “Quentin on the offense, Logan on the defensive.”

Wood said he enjoys playing in Quentin’s head. “I poked around online a little before this began, to see how people viewed him–most people see him as kind of a brat.” Schafer added that she predicted Brian could give a new perspective on what makes Quire tick.

“He is kind of awesome in that he has these powers and abilities, but he’s not emotionally equipped to deal with them,” Wood said. Schafer said the series would serve as a primer both to Quentin Quire and to the recently-formed Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters, which debuted in Jason Aaron’s “Wolverine and the X-Men” #1 and is being fleshed out there.

Schafer said, “If you were an X-Man and got to go to Westchester, wouldn’t that be the coolest shit ever? For Quentin, it’s not.” She added that Quire sees himself as “already past that.”