Brian Wood’s Eco Disaster Comic ‘The Massive’ To Be Ongoing. Pants. Flooding.

With DMZ and Northlanders wrapping up, I was beginning to worry about where I’d get my glorious Brian Wood creator-owned sweetness. He’s doing Conan, it’s going to rock. He’s taking on Wolverine. Doubly dope. But I wanted something of his own, and so when it was made clear that The Massive was going to be a limited, I frowned. I can now unfrown, the pig is now going to be an ongoing.

Hit the jump for info and previews.

Comics Alliance:

Environmentalists — and disaster movies — have long been warning the public about the dangers of humankind’s impact on the Earth, and in The Massive, the upcoming Dark Horse comic by Brian Wood and Kristan Donaldson (DMZ), those fears have become a terrible reality. Originally announced as a three-part arc in Dark Horse Presents, Dark Horse has now extended the book to an ongoing series that imagines the world in the aftermath of a profound environmental collapse from the perspective of an environmentalist. As the tagline for the book asks, “What does it mean to be an environmentalist after the world’s already ended?” What’s the point of being right, after all, if you’re too late?