Glow-In-The-Dark Cat Is Spliced With Jellyfish Genes, May Hold Cure To AIDS. The Future.

Welcome to the future. Everything isn’t beautiful, and shit definitely hurts. But we can pull off some truly tremendous shit. Case in point: glow-in-the-dark-cats that come from kitties being spliced with jelly fish genes. That may hold the cure to AIDS.

Boing Boing:

From the Mayo Clinic: “The technique is called gamete-targeted lentiviral transgenesis – essentially, inserting genes into feline oocytes (eggs) before sperm fertilization. Succeeding with it for the first time in a carnivore, the team inserted a gene for a rhesus macaque restriction factor known to block cell infection by FIV, as well as a jellyfish gene for tracking purposes.  The latter makes the offspring cats glow green.”

And PoMo assholes say progress is an illusion.