Video: Lucas Has Added The Vader “Nooo!’ To Return Of The Jedi. F**king Hell.

I first read this news when I was at dinner tonight. I had 32 oz of Sam Adams in me, and it took everything in my power not to flip my steak tips and puke blood onto the table. George Lucas has (purportedly) made two audio changes to the Original Trilogy in the Blu-Ray release.

One of them is adding the Vader ‘Nooo!’ to Jedi.

Hit the jump to hear them.


The two big tweaks reported are changes to audio, one in the original Star Wars and the other in Return of the Jedi. The latter is the big one, as two instances of Darth Vader saying and screaming ‘Nooo!’ have reportedly been added to the scene where (spoiler!) Vader throws the Emperor to his doom. The idea would seemingly be to establish some thin and wholly silly symmetry between the versions of Vader at the end of each Star Wars trilogy. Check out the two audio changes below. Prepare to cringe. Again: the veracity of these clips remains in doubt. There is a troll at work here; we just don’t know yet if it is George Lucas, or some anonymous prankster.

I was extremely skeptical about these clips, because they would be very easy to fake, but Badass Digest confirmed with a source that they audio is real. I trust Devin but I’m still on the fence, in part because I hope all parties in question wouldn’t be so stupid as to make these changes. Vader’s ‘Noooo!’ was easily the most-derided aspect of the prequel trilogy (OK, maybe it is among the top three most-derided aspects) and so adding a similar element to Jedi seems inane.


In both cases you’re seeing old DVD footage synced to what is purported to be the new Blu-ray audio.

This is my slight buzz talking, but Jesus Christ I fucking hate Lucas. Why can’t the dude stop abolishing all the wonder from the Original Trilogy? Okay dude, you made the Prequels and they fucking sucked. Fine. Keep your fat paws off of the Original Trilogy. Jesus Christ. Or at least have the fucking taste to give us fans the original cuts, so we can watch a flick that hasn’t been marred by an egotistical hack who has only made only amazing  movie in forty fucking years and fails to see the other pieces that came into play that created the wunder that is the Episodes IV-VI.
