Marvel Drops Second ‘Shattered Heroes’ Teaser. Cheer Up Guys!

Marvel’s released a second teaser for Shattered Heroes coming in October. Is it a mini-series? A motif? I’m not certain, and and the preview doesn’t specify.

Hit the jump to check it out.

(Click image to enlarge. Via.)

What amuses me  is the idea that this is the fucking war that shatters them. They’ve been through countless struggles, battles, fights for existence, experiences countless deaths. This boring ass Promotion For Their Summer Movies-Turned-Event is the one that breaks them?



You better put yourselves back together, because there is going to be another Broken Earth Event coming down the pipeline soon enough. Oh! And if I was a betting man, I’d say prepare for some sort of Skrull invasion rolling up on your shattered asses right in time for the Avengers flick.