BioWare Hopes Old Republic Lasts Decades. Good Luck With That.

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Something inside of me tells me that SWTOR isn’t going to be good. I don’t know why, I just have the suspicion. The emphasis on voice acting and storylines? Give me grind quests and fucking dungeons! No, I have no idea. BioWare doesn’t share my skepticism. Maybe cause they made it or something. They think it’s going to last for decades. Decades.


Those of you worried about The Old Republic’s longevity (all three of you) can rest easy according to BioWare. Game director James Ohlen told Comic-Con attendees that the company hopes the game will stand the test of time.

“And our goal — this being an online game that we’re hoping is going to last for decades — we’re going to be, obviously, adding more to the galaxy map as the game progresses,” he said. Ohlen went on to say that BioWare plans to add lots of content over the game’s lifespan. “In 2025, we’ll hopefully have 500 worlds,” he remarked.

If this game is still around in 2025, I’ll…Well who the fuck knows, we won’t be here in 2025.