Marvel Announces ‘Season One’ Graphic Novels, DC Laughs.

Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. We got DC and Marvel renumbering the shit out of everything. We got the DCnU. We got DC last year launching a line of graphic novels that would be “retellings” of their characterss origins in modern society. Which sounded a lot like Marvel’s Ultimate universe. Well now Marvel, who created the Ultimate universe to do such a thing is…following DC’s lead. How about a line of graphic novels for the youngins’ to snag and be able to understand the universe right away. Right? Meh!

Tom Brevoort Explains:

“We’re hoping to introduce folks who have never read any of these characters to these characters in this format, and also provide an interesting and illuminating story for people who have read a lot of Fantastic Four and Daredevil,” says Brevoort, Marvel’s senior vice president and executive editor.

“If you want to dip your toe in the water and find out the essence of what Marvel is all about, here is a nice place for you to start in big, sizable, meaty chunks.”

The first wave of four graphic novels will include:

Fantastic Four: Season One by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Stephen King’s The Stand, Glee) and David Marquez (Secret Warriors), due out in February;

X-Men: Season One by Dennis Hopeless (Legion Of Monsters) and Jamie McKelvie (Phonogram), on sale in March;

Daredevil: Season One by Antony Johnston (Daredevil) and Wellinton Alves (Nova), in April;

Spider-Man: Season One by Cullen Bunn (Fear Itself: The Deep, Sixth Gun) and Neil Edwards (Fantastic Four), arriving in May.

It’s all so bloody complicated!