Joe Madureira To Draw ‘The Avenging Spider-Man.’ Oh Goodness.

It’s official. Scott Lobdell and  Joe Madureira are both employed by the major comic book companies, heralding the feared return of the 1990s onto the comic book market. Joey Mad will be penciling the  Zeb Wells written title, ‘The Avenging Spider-Man.’

Barf Sense tingling.

Hit the jump for all the news and some preview pencils.

Comics Alliance:

As always, the conference call was moderated by Marvel Junior Sales Administrator James Viscardi with a concurrent live blog managed by editors Ryan Penagoes, Ben Morse and Marc Storm. On the line were  Avenging Spider-Man creators Zeb Wells, Joe Madureira and editor Stephen Wacker, all of whom stressed that the series is designed to be an action-heavy alternative to the traditional “soap opera” style of Spidey stories created by Dan Slott and his collaborators in  Amazing Spider-Man.

“With Dan Slott nailing all the Peter Parker soap opera stuff in Amazing Spider-Man, we wanted to a book about Spider-Man as a super hero, out there in the Marvel Universe with the Avengers. This is the big super action movie of Spider-Man every month, with Joe Mad on art.” -Zeb Wells

Beginning in November, the series’ first arc will feature the Red Hulk but feature the majority of Avengers in guest-starring roles. Wells said even though the Avengers will be a starting point for who Spider-Man teams up with in  Avenging, the series will include the broader Marvel Universe as it progresses. “A lot of the fun is finding a third character who can interact with both Spidey and the Avenger in that issue.”

Spider-Man has been Maduereira’s favorite character since he was a kid. Viscardi said that now that the artist’s own children are Spidey fans, he doesn’t think they’ll realize how cool it is that he’s drawing this book until they’re holding it in their hands.

“I loved Spider-Man because he was funny. Over the years, depending on the writer, sometimes he’s funny, sometimes he’s not. Zeb is very very funny. I hope I can pull it off, but we’re going to have some good comedy in there with serious big action.” -Joe Madureira

“I don’t like working on stuff unless it’s going to make an impact. I want people to talk about this and remember it. If I finally get my crack at Spider-Man and then blow it, ugh. I will happily walk in front of a bus to sell more copies after I finish.” -Joe Madureira

When I was younger, Joey Mad was the fucking bomb, yo. He drew fat ass titties and thinly-concealed vaginas and he was totally MANGA!, man. Then I grew up and I wake through my back-issues of Uncanny and I can’t think of a vibe further than his when it comes to an art style being ill-fitting for an X-Title. His work on The Ultimate Xtreme Avengers Team with Jeph Loeb was equally unimpressive to me. I’m not excited by this news in the least. I promise There totally isn’t petulant nagging 1990s Caff-Pow! inside me lurks. Telling me to buy it. Fuck.
