Confirmed: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Signed To ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’

It was known that he was in talks to be up in the bitch, but now it’s confirmed. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to be in The Dark Knight Rises. Hell yeah.


Variety says that, after being  in talks for some time, and linked to the film almost since day one,  Joseph Gordon-Levittis confirmed for the film. That’s not a big scoop, as there seemed like virtually no chance that he wouldn’t end up in the film. We still don’t have a character name – he’s been rumored for quite a few possible parts, including  Alberto Falcone and (much more vaguely) even Robin.

How do you peepss feel about this? I am an unabashed JGL lover, so this has me fist-pumping quite a bit. Robin, Alberto Falcone, either works for me.