Henry Cavill Auditioned For Superman In Reeves’ Suit.

Slashfilm has a sneak peak at a Superman article from the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly. Forget the news that the film lacks a third act, and get totally excited over omfg – gossip. Apparently, when Cavill auditioned for the role of Superman, Snyder had him try on a replica of Christopher Reeves’ suit.

Oh Frat Boy Rock, you’re bananas!

Hit the jump for the full story, and the EW cover image.

Enlarge. | Via.

According to Slashfilm, Snyder wanted to see Cavill in the old-school suit, in case they wanted to use it! Or maybe just channeling the homoerotic overtones from 300 (love that movie), Snyder just wanted to see his package in spandex. Snyder explains:

If you can put on that suit and pull it off that’s an awesome achievement… He walked out, and no one laughed. Other actors put that suit on, and it’s a joke, even if they’re great actors. Henry put it on, and he exuded this kind of crazy-calm confidence that just made me go ‘Wow.’ Okay: This was Superman.’

Here’s hoping that they don’t use a replica of Reeves’ suit. Any time the creative heads behind the endless proposed Superman reboots wanted to carve their own niche, that would be awesome. Reeves has an iconic place in our hearts, but let’s step away from refrying those fucking beans again.