New Captain America Set Pictures Look Awkward, Out of Context.
Here’s the thing about taking set pictures: they always look retarded and out of context. I try and keep that in mind while taking a gander. Sometimes though? Sometimes though it gets hard. Take for example, this latest batch of Captain America pictures leaked from the set.
These shots are different. They don’t show Chris Evans in costume as Cap, but they do have his stunt double in full gear, right down to the wings painted on his helmet. If you didn’t see the Comic Con costume test teaser and the concept art wasn’t enough to communicate how the costume would look, these photos should do the trick.
Hit the jump to see the pictures yourself, and let me know what you think in the comments box.
So what we have here are set pictures of Chris Evans’ stunt double, completely out of context. My thoughts? The outfit itself looks clunky as hell. Too much shit going on. But as I also said, there’s the good possibility that when we see the garb within the movie itself, it’ll look dope. Basically, I’m going a lot of equivocating.