Monday Morning Commute: The Overlords Don’t Care

monday morning commute overlords

Hey, fuckers! I’m here! I’m here. I promise, I’m here. Quickly penning a Monday Morning Commute before I have to lay down the facts in front of students in my 2pm class. These facts? That if they don’t pass in their papers, they’ll fail. Self-evident facts, but hey. The mind boggles at how many self-evident facts fail to resonate in the skull-pipes of the average folk.

Anyways, anyways. I’m a bit off topic. This here is Monday Morning Commute. The column that I post every week. Herein, you’ll find the various games, movies, sporting events, and other miscellany that I’m either enjoying or anticipating in order to get me through a given week. In particular, I’m about to list off all the things I’m enjoying, in an effort to forget that fucking fifty-percent of my students didn’t do their fourth paper.

Alas. Alack.

Please join me in the comments section!


watching: first man


playing: red dead redemption 2


listening: vince staples – fm!


anticipating: long fucking weekend


watching: overlord


playing: the messenger


watching: homecoming (god bless sam esmail)


hating: daylight saving time


That’s it for me! Video games! New Vince Staples! Lamenting the fucking early onset darkness and students’ negligence. How are you folks? What does your week look like?