The Rock shared a beefy picture from his football-playing college days

the rock

Not enough is said about The Rock. You know, period. How can you say enough about one of the genuine treasures who stands upon, nay, rises above our turd-flecked pop culture garbage pile? But also. Not enough is said about the various incarnations of said Dwayne Johnson. The man of many (gorgeous) looks. Dwayne himself shared this gem back from when he was a beefy, fried chicken-eating football mad man. Salute.


The Rock is the one dude no one can say anything bad about. He’s even celebrated when heposts photos of himself looking 28 at 16, or when photos of him rocking a fanny pack are uncovered (hey, no shame). And he’s got a great sense of humor when it comes to showing off his awkward younger years. Just take a look at this photo, which the wrestler-turned-franchise-reviver posted today.

Yeah, that looks like a dude who’s so racked with gas he can barely smile. No hate, it’s just nice to know that even mega celebrities whose bodies are at the peak of physical perfection struggled with the freshman 15… or the senior 100. (Even if it was for sports.)