Monday Morning Commute: Robot Love at the End of the Galaxy

MMC - Robot Love.

Saddle up to your robo-partner and plant a smooch right on their Metallic Dome-Piece. This is Monday Morning Commute and I want both you and your Android to be comfortable enough around me to share the various things you’re looking forward to this week. Be it a comic book, a Gathering of the Juggalos, or the new bang session you’re going to partake in with Shiela-Charles-Mach-IV. You can tell us. We know you’ve been saving up for the ultra-smooth, yet insistingly thorough pelvic-pistons with your Cyborg Bitty.

Rocking out to Sepultura so hard lately. Brazilian thrash-protest metal, GET!.

It’s finally fucking time for the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Still amazed by the promo Paul Heyman cut on RAW last week. (I watch sometimes.)

Time to prep for my Fall classes. That means rereading 1984.

Probably owe it to myself and gaming to buy the remaster of The Last of Us. (Since I didn’t play it on PS3.)