Weekend Open Bar: It’s A Dirty, Sassy Liquor


Crack open a pint of your preferred Esophageal Lubricant and stay awhile. For many that’s some bougie hard alcohol on the rocks. For others, unrefined and pinned to the Great Wall of Dementia, it’s seventy-three Diet Dews with a splash of Heart Palpitations. Whatever way the arrow of your taste bends, you’re welcome here. ‘Cause this is Weekend Open Bar.

The weekly column where we celebrate the Concept if not the Actuality (for all) of the Workless Weekend. Anything goes in this Cantina. Post what you want. Drunken stammering about the movie you saw. Stoned pontificating about the immeasurable beauty that is the superorganism dubbed “Humanity.”

Or if you’re like me, just a fucking pathetic collection of empty, fleeting amusements in GIF form.