Monday Morning Commute: Slow Cook The Human Potroast

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Whoops! Late on the Monday Morning Commute tip. Didn’t realize it was going to be floating in flux this week. Then it occurred to me that Rendarbones Frankenpepsi is currently en route across the vast distance of the Empire in some sort of silver tube that is intent on dying God’s will. So provided that he doesn’t crash into the side of a Mountain (death is only a transition, he’d be reborn in Earth^42, so don’t cry), he’ll be back next week. However for now you’re dealing with my hurried, blast beat-esque rundown of what I’m enjoying this week. That’s what we do around here. In Monday Morning Commute.


True Detective

Still really digging TRUE DETECTIVE. Haven’t seen the latest one though. FUCK.



Bought a new mattress over the weekend from THIS CHOAD’S COMPANY. Arriving Thursday.

Really excited to not have a staccato-burst of broken springs ring true every time I lay down.


titan! infamous!

Eagerly awaiting the March releases of TITANFALL and SECOND SON.


Sweating the release of Animals as Leaders’ new album the JOY OF MOTION. (Also in March.)



Apparently everything good is happening March. Want to see Denis Villeneuve’s new joint, ENEMY.

And if you haven’t seen his jam PRISONERS get on it.


So that’s me, I suppose. What about you folks?