Monday Morning Commute: my skeleton is my oldest house

monday morning commute my skeleton is my oldest house

It’s true! My skeleton is my oldest house. Within its walls, do I ever haunt. The burbling, bubbling of a mad brain. The frenzied, arrhythmic horrors of an over-caffeinated heart.  The creaky, laborious groans of a skeleton subjected to gravity, entropy, and exertion. Oh, does my soul walk these halls. Oh, do I ever haunt. This house, the oldest house, it treats me well.

The oldest house keeps my meat-processor protected from the elements, until it doesn’t.

The oldest house keeps my circuitry protected from the elements, until it doesn’t.

I don’t fault the oldest house for its failing, for when it fails to protect me. Or, when the piping gets clogged. Or, when the meat-processor over-heats, or short-circuits. After all, what house is infallible? Show me the lark selling that shanty, and I’ll show you a liar.

My house, the oldest house, isn’t perfect.

But it’s the house I’ve got, and it’s the house I’ll have, until I have no house no more.

I take reasonable care of it, and it takes reasonable care of me.

On certain days, we’d probably ask more out of one another, but for the most part we’re pretty happy. Which is good.

‘Cause it’s the house I’ve got, and it’s the house I’ll have, until I have no house no more.

This is Monday Morning Commute.



Currently Watching:

WandaVision, 30 Coins, Spartacus: Vengeance, The Americans, and Parks and Rec


Currently Playing:  

Control: Ultimate Edition, Dead Cells, and Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age


Currently Wishing (For):

Super Bowl LV, the Spring, getting the fucking vaccine, and a brighter world


eating healthy

Currently Eating:

Healthy, except for the weekends, what a fucking slog


Currently Existentialing:

Anxious, fearful of the future, and generally bummed


Currently Reading:

Stephen King’s It — a book theoretically about a cosmic horror, but really about King describing pubescent genitals. Dude is weird.


join me

Currently Asking:

For you wonderful people to hang out with me in the comments section!


This is Monday Morning Commute.