Weekend Open Bar: Keep Flowing and Live Righteously

weekend open bar keep flowing

Hello, comrades! How the fuck you doing? Hope you’re hanging in there. Cracking the malaise with whatever sort of healthy mallet you wield these days. Be it movies, or video games, or some glorious bouts of paper-based hallucinations (books). I’m up and down these days. The days themselves, they feel so fucking long. The weeks themselves, they feel so fucking short. I’m not certain this is a fair trade, or if it balances it.

But, last night there was a glorious dusk. And in that moment, due to my good fortune, privilege, and health, it was a Hell of a Day to Be Alive.

And, today begins the weekend! Which means it’s time for the Open Bar!

For those of us lucky enough to have them off, come celebrate the victory. For those of us unlucky enough to have to work them, come decompress within the walls of the Space-Ship Omega.

Let’s spend some time together! Tell me, what are you up to?