Lucasfilm developing a Jabba The Hutt standalone movie because us pigs will eat everything, I guess

lucasfilm jabba the hutt spin-off movie

Your inclination, I imagine, is to take the headline as a joke. It is not. Apparently when Disney bought Lucasfilm, they didn’t have any money left to actually spend on ideas. Sick! Sick burn, right? Fucking sick! Sick burn! (I don’t know, I’m just covering up how much I fucking hate this news with my usual tepid intelligence and shoddy jokes.)

Heroic Hollywood:

Yesterday, it was reported that Lucasfilm was officially developing an Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Wars spin-off film with many other standalone films reportedly being considered. Now, Variety’s report on the latest spin-off news reveals that a Jabba the Hutt standalone film is one of the projects currently being developed.

The report does not indicate how seriously the concept is being considered, meaning the project may eventually be scrapped altogether. If the project does move forward it could result in a unique entry in the Star Wars spin-off library, especially considering the intergalactic gangster’s dialogue has always been conveyed to audiences through subtitles or translations provided by secondary characters.