Monday Morning Commute: Oblivion Ain’t Bad With A Loved One

Hand in Hand | Heart to Heart

Hello friends. Humanoids. Martians. Sentient cups of coffee. Pythons with overdeveloped cerebral systems courtesy of Nazi experiments still being conducted on the Far Side of the Dark Side of the Forgotten Moon of Jupiter, Rapture. If you’re reading this, I implore you to join in this wonderful column-based activity. Monday Morning Commute. The place where us Conscious Piles of Organic, Inorganic, and Unidentifiable Matter gather and share what we’re digging on during a given week.

I’ll go first, then you share your weekly beloveds.


All About.

Heaven Shall Burn Album.




Looking Forward To.

Mrs. Omega Coming Home.

This Thursday.



Okay So Fuck Destiny.

It Doesn’t Arrive Until Next Week.

But Please Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Be Good.

Borderlands the Pre-Sequel


Fucking Hope.

To Read More.

October Country.

This Week.

I Suck.

The October Country.


I’ve Mentioned It Before.

But Key And Peele.

(New Season Currently Airing.)

Is So Fucking Good.

Key and Peele.


Next Weekend.

Is A Long Weekend.

As People Celebrate.

Columbus’ Appropriation + Genocide.

Selfishly. I’ll Take It.

This fucking guy..


What are you fuck-lords up to this weekend? Let me know.