Weekend Open Bar: Shock and Aww


Hello, friends. Welcome to Weekend Open Bar. The column at the end of the Space-Week where we gather to celebrate us making it through another grind. Or if you’ve been on vacation like me all week, it is the column to just sort of sit around and shoot the shit with friends. I’ll confess, the Halls of the Space-Ship have been lonely as of late. So I don’t know what to expect.

It’s pretty much just been my Fleshlight and me this past couple of weeks, staggering around the filthy floors with a trail of Diet Dew cans in our wake. But fuck if I have to go this alone, I shall! And should you wish to join me, feel free to let anything fly. GIFs of uh, Stuff. What food you’re planning on consuming this weekend. A beer you like. A show you love.


I’ll be here. Fleshlight in my hand. Eyes vacant. Waiting.