The Ghosts of Oscars Past

Oscar pic

It’s that time of year again. Yes, that’s right, friends: The Oscars are on tonight. After months of hyping and marketing, the award ceremony will finally give the nod to the best of the year’s best, what deserves to be remembered for all times as the cinematic apotheosis of this very year. Thanks to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, each and every movie that wins the Best Picture statue becomes a cherished classic, worthy of eternal glory. And in order to get you more in the mood for tonight’s telecast (and in case there’s any lingering doubt in your mind that the AMPAS sometimes makes the wrong choice), here’s a video chronicling the illustrious winners of Oscars past. Take a look after the jump.

Academy Awards: Best Picture Oscar Winners from Nelson Carvajal on Vimeo.

So what do you think of the Academy Awards’ history? As wondrous as you’d always believed? Moreover, which nominated film from 2012 fits in best with the Oscar continuum of this video, without upsetting the delicate balance that is Hollywood and its promotion of traditional film-making in the arts?

Best comment (based on upvotes) will win the Best Comment award (eternal glory–and only that–will be yours!), so don’t stray too far outside the box or get too fancy or you’ll probably get downvoted to oblivion by the viewing public or you might even get modded (OL has to go all MPAA on clever people every once in a while to keep them in place). Best of luck to you all.