Monday Morning Commute: fast-food debauchery

fast-food debauchery

Aloha! Welcome to the Monday Morning Commute! What is it that I do here at the MMC? Well, first I gather up all of Spaceship OL’s passengers – nerd-culture slovens and amigos and infidels alike! Then, I show `em the various bits of art and trash and fast-food debauchery that I’ll be devourin’ during the course of the week. At this point, I deactivate the laser-shackles and let the wayfarers bludgeon one another with their prospective plans for destroying ennui and undermining workplace productivity.

It’s a thing of goddamn beauty.

C’mon, jump in and join the madness!


Watchin’ Incessantly/Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation

My current MO is that I’m late to every fun-party, and I only have myself to blame. Caff-Pow or the Bride of Frankenstein or some other compatriot will tell me about something awesome. And I’ll nod my head and smile, fully believing the wisdom spilling out of my loved ones’ mouths. But then I won’t follow up. Instead of watching or listening to or playing whatever it is that’s been suggested to me, I’ll just kind of sit there.

I think…I think it may have something to do with the microchip the CIA put in my brain.

Anyways, after being told to do so for years, I’m finally watching Parks and Recreation! I’ve Netflix’d my way through the beginning of the third season, and with a week off of work I suspect that I’ll clear it in no time. I honestly haven’t heard or read anything about the trajectory of this show, so I’m really hoping that it maintains the quality that’s kept me hooked up until now. While there’re plenty of funny shows on TV, I’m finding that P&R unabashedly touts a sentimentality that I haven’t seen in a sitcom for years.

Also, Ron Swanson is a mustachioed ubermensch.


Rockin’/Alarm-free Sleep!

Ron and Baxter

I absolutely adore sleep.

Now, I know that not everyone feels the same. In fact, there’re some schmohawks who actually resent it. You can here `em spoutin’ off nonsense like,  “Sleep? You can sleep when you’re dead! All I need is a solid three hours a nite!”

To that, I cry out “Hogwash!”

Now, the unfortunate fact of my circumstances is that my job requires me to wake up before Dawn has smelled the coffee percolatin’. So with a week off from work, I’m going to bask in the glory of alarm-free sleep. After all, even a full eight-hours of rest somehow loses its luster when its conclusion features a robotic bird screaming in my ear.

No robot-screeches. No fatigue-related irritability. Just hours and hours and hours of sweet, pillowed bliss.



Deconstruction Cheeseburger

All I want to do is eat cheeseburgers.

Now, I know that this isn’t exactly a lofty aspiration. Is there anyone of the meat-eating variety that doesn’t enjoy an occasional cheeseburger? Such a stance would be heresy! Heresy, I say! Sacrilege! Burn `em at the stake!

I’m not sure what type of cheeseburger I’m lookin’ for, but I think I might be feeling a bit adventurous. Perhaps a jalapeno burger is in my future? Let me know if you have any suggestions!

All I want to do this week is watch television, sleep, and eat hyper-processed nonsense. Ah, it sounds so wonderful! But now that you know the week-prospects of Rendar Frankenstein, hack-writer and turbo-slob extraordinaire, why don’t you share your own plans? What’re you going to be stuffing into your various head-holes this week?