RYAN GOSLING directing monster movie starring Christina Hendricks. I got feels, man.

The deities aren’t playing fair. I know, intellectually, that I shouldn’t rub my groin in a movie theater. It exists on a vague, intangible level. Despite this understanding, how the hell can I at least not sneak a quick tip flick during this movie? I don’t know, sounds like a dare.


Ryan Gosling is making a science fiction movie with Christina Hendricks and monsters? This could be the most universally appealing film ever created! The beloved actor and hardbody, Gosling, will be making his directorial debut in the film he also wrote, called How to Catch a Monster.

According to Wired the movie is self described as a “modern-day fairytale” that blends fantasy noir, monsters and takes place underwater city. Hendricks, who worked with Gosling in Drive has been cast as a single mother who gets sucked into this strange world chasing after her son “Bones.” Who names their kid Bones? Shooting will begin next Spring.