Four new images from Guillermo del Toro’s ‘PACIFIC RIM’ has my autobot tingling. Crap pun.

I don’t know much about Pacific Rim, other than I want to see it. It’s got like, robots and shit. That’s more than enough to sign me up. Until an official trailer, teaser, teaser trailer, or teaser for the teaser trailer drops, I’m going to have to sate myself on pictures such as these.



After Pacific Rim revealed itself to the world at Comic-Con, director Guillermo del Toro promised total radio silence until the first trailer hit this Winter. I guess he forgot about the power of Empire Magazine, which has just published four new photos from the set of the July 12, 2013 sci-fi action film. Starring Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Idris Elba, Charlie Day and Ron PerlmanPacific Rim is set in the future where giant monsters called Kaiju have invaded Earth. In response, humans control equally giant robots called Jaegers to fight them. And then the games begin.

These scans from Empire originally appeared on Shock Till Ya Drop.