NiGHTS: INTO DREAMS Confirmed For HD RE-RELEASE. I Am Weeping.

Score one for my childhood. One of my favorite goddamn games ever is getting an HD re-release.


Everyone’s favorite surreal flying game for Sega Saturn, “NiGHTS into dreams….” is getting an HD rebirth “this fall” from Sega. Planned for Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC, NiGHTS is an HD update of the original Sega Saturn release from 1996. Not that you weren’t expecting one, of course.

Beyond the beautified graphics, Sega’s adding a 16:9 aspect ratio, leaderboards, Achievements/Trophies, and “an optional Saturn Mode” (which reverts the game back to 1996 graphics).


And these screens below. And hey, if you can’t wait, you could always go play the game right now on your Saturn.

Update: We asked Sega whether the NiGHTS Christmas content would be part of the HD re-release, and were told the publisher, “Can’t confirm anything about that yet.” We were also told to keep an eye out in “the coming weeks,” as Sega has “a lot of stuff in the air right now for this year.”