The Meming of Life: Scumbag Steve VS. Good Guy Greg

Good Guy  Greg vs Scumbag Steve

Since the dawn of time, a familiar epic of good v evil has played out over and over throughout the annals of human history. Neither ideal can exist alone, so it comes as little surprise that this hallowed story hath spilleth over into the frothy universe of memery. Hero and Villan alike, these dichotic nemesi are each legends in their own right, and have been cemented into the collective conscious for sometime now. But we ambitious little imps are going to try and look at the broader human struggle in play. So it is my honor to present you: Scumbag Steve VS Good Guy Greg.

I’ll expose you to my top five of each, and I ask each of you to declare where you stand in the battle of light and darkness. Please announce your allegiance in the comments. Lastly, getting the top 5 of each was really intense. I had to go through millions. I will try and post some of the honorable mentions in the comments as well.

Scumbag Steve
Scumbag Steve was the first to bust on the meme scene, a decent while back (early 2011). This would make him a dinosaur in meme-years, but his incredible scumbag essence, and brooding dark power has managed to keep him at the top of the fold long after his initial climb to fame. He originates from the Beantown area, much like our OL patriarchs, and I am certain this is no coincidence. Something in the water, I suppose. Check out this interview. Classic.

Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve

Scumbag Steve

#1Scumbag Steve

Good Guy Greg
Five months after Scumbag Steve infects the world, Good Guy Greg emerges to help bring back balance to the force. This lovable stoner always seems to take the right path in every situation. He has so much good karma that he can’t even collect anymore. His wares are full.

Little is known about his real life origins, because well, Good Guy Greg doesn’t care about internet fame. He would never come forward and embarrass himself the same way Scumbag Steve does. There is some speculation to his identity, but nothing too concrete. And that is how I like it. Straight Jesus.

His 5 best are detailed below.

Good Guy  Greg

Good Guy Greg

Good Guy Greg

Good Guy Greg

Good Guy Greg