The Rock Says ‘Fast Six’ Shoots In May! Homoerotic Vroom Time, Huzzah!

I love me the Fast and Furious Bro Dudes and Scantily Clad Bitties  franchise. Love it a lot. When they dropped The Rock into it, thick-veined and lightly-misted I let out an audible moan. That moan was more than audible when I came across these details about the next installment.


The Rock recenty caught up with  MTV  who asked him about the plans for the sequel(s), and he confirmed they were going to make two more, but logistically, they couldn’t work it out.  “I don’t think we’re going to shoot them back-to-back,” he said. “We were going to try that because it wouldn’t make sense to have the same crew and have everybody there in one place, but I think we’re dealing with some weather issues, so from what I know we’re going to shoot ‘Fast 6’ first and then worry about ‘Fast 7’ a little later.”

As for the setting, Johnson confirms rumors of a European-based storyline, saying that filming is slated to take place in the U.K. and Germany, and that cameras will roll in May. But beyond that, he stayed mum on details. Last year, Universal Chairman  Adam Fogelson  said that “Fast Five” was a “transitional movie” with plans to move away from the car-centered roots of the series’ origins and into heist/adventure territory. Either way, it looks like  Vin Diesel  is going to have at least a couple more “one last” jobs.

Hell yeah! Fast Five (Totally Not Fast Ocean’s 11)  was the best installment in the franchise. Yes, I went there. So I’m friggin’ bro-pumped to see the follow-up. Sweaty guys. Staring at one another. Fast cars. Faster life. (My tagline for the series which I keep sending to Universal. I must be getting lost in transit or something.)