Sesame Street YouTube Hacked With Porn. Someone Is A Hero.

I’m not a parent. Okay? So I can’t relate. But there’s something amusing – seriously amusing – to me about children seeing things that they either really shouldn’t be seeing, or are aghast and confused by. Like this. Sesame Street’s YouTube was hacked, and some good old fashion porn was thrown onto it.


Sesame Street’s YouTube was hacked earlier today by people who replaced Muppet clips with graphic porn. It apparently took Google more than 20 minutes to react to the hack, which means porn was floating around on the iconic children’s TV show channel.

PBS and Google haven’t said anything but according to CNN, a message posted on the Sesame Street YouTube account “claimed responsibility in the names of two other YouTube users”. One of those users who supposedly “claimed responsibility”, however, has denied any wrongdoing.  His account, MrEdxwx, said:

“I did not hack Sesame Street. I am an honest YouTuber. I work hard to make quality gameplay videos, and most important I respect the community guidelines.”

True hero.