Dead Space 3 Plot Details Leaked? To Take Place On Ice Planet?

Dead Space 2. One of my favorite games of the year. Dead Space 3: one of my most anticipated games. There’s a rumor mill a-churning! Bringing potential details about the third installment in the series.


According to purported plot details published by Siliconera, however, you’re in for less of a shock and more of a creeping, unshakeable chill. (Dead Space 3 has not been announced, so beware of potential spoilers beyond this point.)

According to the site’s mole, Dead Space 3 dumps perennially imperiled engineer Isaac Clarke on Tau Volantis, a frigid planet blanketed in snowstorms. Donning a snowsuit (with temperature indicated inconveniently on the back?), he attempts to locate lost friends and other signs of humanity. And we can’t imagine a bit of unpleasant weather deterring those despicable necromorphs.

This game. I need.